Coming Soon: Love Me, Crazy. New Book! New Book!

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The final – FINAL – draft of my short novel, “Love Me, Crazy” is in the hands of my editor as I type, and very soon I will be able to launch this story to the world.

What is Love Me, Crazy about?

It’s a romantic-thriller set in Bristol, England. It features; my old school, Clifton High, the Clifton Suspension Bridge, Cabot Tower and many more places I loved to walk around as a teenager. I chose Bristol as the setting for my book because an old friend told me “write about what you know,” and I know Bristol. It’s also rammed with history, beautiful architecture and a wealth of culture. A perfect place to host a dark love story, correct? 

The story is told through the eyes of Audrey, who is a substitute teacher at the private school. She inadvertently falls in love with two men at the same time and all chaos ensues. Love was never meant to be deadly. 

I wrote this novel for my NaNoWriMo 2013. Then I sat on it for a while. (Years, actually) When about a year ago, the document resurfaced when I was sorting through my folders. I decided to re-read my own story, (Which is just over 51,000 words) and I had forgotten about every twist and turn and got lost in book for three days. I realised that Audrey, Tom and Jack needed to be introduced to the world. Their story evolved organically as I wrote it. It was a NaNo novel remember? There’s no time to plan, you’ve just got to type. And I remember while I was typing, the characters jumped off the screen and started to make their own decisions. THEY turned my “Fluffy Romance” into a romantic-thriller!

I can’t wait to share it with you.



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