NaNoWriMo Days 10, 11 and 12 Falling Behind

Following the attack of Writer’s Block on day 9, I had two days where I did absolutely NO writing. This is not good!! Tonight I managed to knock out around 800 words. My brain is like mush and my characters are being shy. It’s awkward to write!

And I’m trying to write while watching the TV which is probably not a wise idea.

Still, tomorrow is a new day. Hopefully I’ll get some more words in.



Word Count: 10,849 / 50,000

One thought on “NaNoWriMo Days 10, 11 and 12 Falling Behind

  1. Are we the same person?
    I had a little bit of a block on 11/8 (1,208 words), but then bounced back the following day.
    However, yesterday, I wrote 67 words. 67! and then had some personal issues, which affected me greatly today = 0 words.
    Here’s to us writing 4k words tomorrow!

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