Grounding: Day Nineteen

Grounding: Day Nineteen I lost my phone. What does this mean? No camera. No evidence. laptop charger had gone missing too. Therefore I had no ability to post yesterday! BUT I promise I DID go outside and stand in the cold for two minutes in an attempt to “ground” myself. Here were my notes … Continue reading Grounding: Day Nineteen

Grounding: Day Thirteen

Grounding: Day Thirteen Lucky number thirteen eh! I was going to start another 30 day challenge yesterday but I think I’ll have to wait until this one is over. At least; I’ll wait to write about it until I’ve finished this grounding experiment. The next challenge is a big one and super tiring. And I … Continue reading Grounding: Day Thirteen

Grounding: Day One

If you missed this post where I explain what this 30 day challenge is all about, you might want to go check it out before cracking on with this one. So, here's my round up of day ONE of trying this Grounding method out! Theoretically, I should feel a reduction in aches, pains and even stress, because … Continue reading Grounding: Day One

I’m going to stand bare foot in my garden for 2 minutes every day for 30 days…

The first time I heard about Grounding, was on the “Bringing Home the Browns” Facebook page. One of the comments said to try using a “grounding blanket” to miraculously heal any ailment. This was a really strong statement; so naturally, I took to Google and did a little research. Initially, I found a website that … Continue reading I’m going to stand bare foot in my garden for 2 minutes every day for 30 days…